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I was a computer trainer, consultant, and programmer for over 30 years and I wanted a change. I bought my first CNC machine and was learning how to use it, when WHAM!  Six months after I got it, I had had a pair of strokes.  Be careful what you wish for...


After learning how to walk and talk again, I focused on learning how to make items using my CNC machine. I don't know everything, but I am willing to try.


I started this business to keep busy because I bear the thought of watching TV  all day!


Yes, I use all the tools in my shop (except for the jointer) as before 'the incident' and I still have all my fingers.


"Ten fingers in, ten fingers out - a good day in the shop"





Giving Back
Serving the Community

Committed to giving time and treasure, I was a Scout leader for almost 15 years. I  signed numerous Scout Eagle applications


Now I actively support hiking clubs and dog rescue organizations Coyote Matters.


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